In Hawaii, young men who immigrated from the village of Sashiki-son and the smaller hamlet of Chinen-mura maintained their close ties as they carved out a new life in an unfamiliar country. After calling for a 'picture bride' and raising large families, the issei (first generation) and eventually their children (nisei) continued to maintain these connections with each other. Families provided support in times of need, especially to assist in conducting funeral arrangements. The Hawaii Sashiki-Chinen Doshikai of Okinawan immigrants and their families grew from this informal group. It was the 'Uchinānchu style' to help others when needed. Our club evolved to play a more active role in providing social activities and functions to maintain and continue our Okinawan heritage and traditions.

Located in the southern end of the main Okinawa island , Sashiki-cho and Chinen-son were consolidated into Nanjo-shi with Tamagusuku-son and Ōzato-son in January 2006.


Mr. Shinichi Chinen earned the distinction of being called the "Father of the Hawaii Sashiki-Chinen Dōshi Kai" because of his efforts to encourage and maintain ties among the issei immigrants who arrived in Hawaii from the village of Sashiki in Okinawa. Chinen-san left the plantation life as a young man and established himself as a leader in the local Okinawan community. He used his knowledge and experience in helping many other issei to settle in Hawaii. He initiated the movement to organize fellow countrymen from Sashiki-son in the early 1920's. He offered his large home in Kaimuki as a gathering place for meeting and social functions for the issei and their children. The Chinen home was also the 'home-away-from-home' for many young people (nisei) who left their home on neighboring islands to find work in Honolulu.

In later years, the families of the neighboring village, Chinen-mura joined these activities which were organized as a joint club with members from both Sashiki and Chinen. The Hawaii Sashiki-Chinen Dōshi Kai was officially formed in 1947 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Although there were many who were instrumental in forming the organization through their participation of various activities, the following issei are recognized as the original first leaders and organizers:

Shinichi Chinen Genfu Tonaki Genpo Tonaki

Yuzo Arakaki Toraichi Tamashiro Seichi Shiroma

Iwakichi Yamashiro Shinsaburo Yamakawa Chotoku Gima

Genshin Tamashiro Kichiei Kamiya Chuyo Chinen

Seigoro Miyasato Ginko Miyahira Hoshin Chinen

Kengen Tamayose Ryokei Nakamura Takeo Gima

Torasuke Maeshiro Kensaku Yamashiro